The Brief

Columbia Ability Alliance, formerly Columbia Industries, was at a crossroads in its evolution from the original mission when it launched as the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Benton & Franklin Counties over 60 years ago. The community fixture grew exponentially over the decades, but lost connection over the years with the families and individuals it served under its primary mission of providing vocational training and on-site employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

The Challenge

As Columbia Industries grew during the 90s and early 00s, it was met by a community that knew less and less what and who the organization was. It was still doing its mission work of helping those with disabilities, but had brought on other business lines, services and for-profit entities that really confused a growing Tri-Cities community. Fast forward to 2023, with a new CEO and an active and engaged board of directors, Columbia Industries sought to embark on a full-scale rebrand to take the organization into the next phase of its evolution. But before taking on such a big change, there was internal discussion on getting to the root of why there was a disconnect with its audience in the region and if the rebrand should also include a name change as well.

The Solution

Focal Point partnered with the awesome team at Sonar Insights to do the necessary market research to truly understand the community’s view of Columbia Industries – determining who they think the organization is, who they serve, what they do, as well as opinions on the existing name and logo/brand identity. Through multiple community surveys with more than 500 participants, we garnered that a majority of respondents knew very little about Columbia Industries and offered poor overall grades on the existing name and brand identity in relation to the organization’s mission.

Armed with this knowledge, our team led Columbia Industries stakeholders through a renaming and rebranding workshop, getting to the root of answering those pressing questions of WHO and WHY they’re an asset to this community – what their purpose is. Out of this workshop, we tested several names and logo variations with focus groups made up of community members and Columbia Industries personnel. The data and responses pointed in a brand new direction that gave the internal team and board of directors a palpable boost of energy behind the impending brand launch.

Watch It

The Results

The culmination of this six-month process was the introduction and relaunch of Columbia Ability Alliance. The name change has already taken root – reflected by an immediate positive response from the community. Equipping CAA with an expansive and versatile brand kit to get the new name and logo out in the community, we helped produce a number of creative deliverables for the brand launch, including stationary, flyers, brochures, rack cards and pop-up banners, as well as a number of videos to share the brand story in a meaningful way.

The Metrics

Print Design


Survey responses analyzed to help inform the renaming/rebranding strategy.


Assets delivered via comprehensive brand kit including logos, icons, patterns and other visual assets.


Print collateral variations to help grow core programs and service lines.

Brand Growth


Online views of brand announcement videos in first month of launch.


Community response to the rename and launch of Columbia Ability Alliance.
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