The Brief

This Seattle-area cannabis retailer, which has five greater King County locations, was looking to find a partner to help them stand out in what is now a crowded pot industry in their metro area. Building off of their old fashioned, 1960’s era visual aesthetic, they had contracts in place for regular advertising on print and digital media, as well as a POS software integration to send unique ads and promotions to customers signed up through their rewards program. Bottom line: they had many creative and design needs and were in need of a partner to help with this undertaking.

The Challenge

Facing stiff competition and price wars, Ike’s was tasked with standing out the old-fashioned way: through elevated design and visual execution. However, due to the nature of selling a controlled substance, LCB laws are quite strict and limiting on what media cannabis businesses have access to and the content of those marketing efforts. Lastly, Ike’s other business entity, Uncle Ike’s Bottle Shop (a retail store that sells beer, wine, and spirits) was also in need of regular creative marketing solutions. This amounted to a large volume of design needs they’d have each month, ensuring we’d have our hands full with their various requests. To that end, we set Ike’s up with a monthly graphic design retainer to deliver quality design deliverables.

The Solution

We jumped in headfirst, adopting and building a library of brand assets and templates that would help streamline our extensive work. To increase efficiency, we established a cloud-based workflow with our client contacts and implemented a system for submitting requests and getting approvals that made the process a breeze. Then, the fun began as we got to work creating highly visual print and digital ads, email graphics, personalized SMS messages, social media promotions, signage, POS displays, apparel…the list goes on and on.

The Results

When we say “WOW is what we aim for,” it’s always nice to actually hear it once in a while. Our Ike’s contacts were thrilled with the work we delivered, passing along comments and praise they were receiving from staff and customers alike. In fact, they frequently expanded our scope to include new projects, like creating a custom neon sign display or 4/20 graphic tee. Over the nearly 2-year design retainer and social media management contract, we helped elevate their brand to a growing Seattle audience and increased their market share.

The Metrics

Print Design


Variations of print collateral distributed to Seattle audiences, boosting overall brand awareness.


Impressions increased via visibility of outdoor advertising placement.


Articles of wearable branded merchandise developed to grow brand equity.

Brand Growth


Length of graphic design retainer aimed at increasing exposure.

Top 10

Helped elevate sales to top 10 in WA state.

Digital Metrics

Grew social media audience on Facebook and Instagram.


Delivered visuals that increased engagement across SMS and email.
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